The Essence of Enterprise Service Management (a snippet)….

Posted on Wednesday 11 August 2021.

By Lana Yakimoff, Principal Consultant, ITSM Consulting Services Pty Ltd. Service Management has been around for many years, most of us work within the ITSM industry delivering value and some form of service. Looking back over the years IT has evolved; from ad-hoc 80’s IT shop, to adopting ITIL Framework originating from the UK Government and

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Shared Services: An Overview 

Posted on Tuesday 20 November 2018.

by Scarlett Bayes, Industry Analyst, SDI If ‘Shared Services’ is something you’re hearing mentioned more and more but you’re not totally sure what it’s all about, this quick overview is for you. Shared Services: What is it? Shared Service Management is the over arching term for the practice of merging or sharing elements of back office functions (i.e. IT, HR,

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