Service Desk Essential Handbook

This handbook is your essential guide to a brilliant service desk, according to the latest Global Best Practice.

It lays out the description and maturity level for all of the 138 criteria from the Global Best Practice Standard for Service Desk (Best Practice Standard). From analysts to CIOs, professionals at all levels can use the detail and expert knowledge in this handbook as a quality reference model for service desks in any industry, sector or location.
The Best Practice Standard featured inside, provides a set of clear and measurable benchmarks for every IT service desk operation; some of which are not found within other frameworks such as ITIL. The Best Practice Standard is reviewed every 3 years by an international committee comprising industry experts, top service management professionals and specialist practitioners. It has roots from existing international quality reference models such as EFQM Excellence Model and ISO/IEC 20000.

Download your FREE copy:

Service Desk Essential Handbook

How to use this Handbook
The Formal Best Practice Standard Version 8.0:
Concept 1 – Leadership
Concept 2 – Policy and Strategy
Concept 3 – People Management
Concept 4 – Resources
Concept 5 – Processes and Procedures
Concept 6 – Managing Employee Satisfaction
Concept 7 – Managing the Customer Experience
Concept 8 – Management Information and Performance Results
Concept 9 – Corporate Social Responsibility
Benefits of Service Desk Certification
The SDC Audit Process

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