Choosing a Remote Support Tool – Frequently Asked Questions

Posted on Tuesday 4 April 2023.

Remote support tools allow businesses to provide remote assistance to customers, clients, and employees from any location. However, with so many tools available in the market, choosing the right one can be challenging. To help you make this decision, we’ll answer some of the frequently asked questions about remote support tools in this article. So, let’s

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Conversational AI in Employee Experience

Posted on Tuesday 28 March 2023.

With the advent of conversational AI, companies are finding new ways to streamline internal processes and improve the overall employee experience by employing a bot-human hybrid model. From the IT helpdesk to HR support, conversational AI has revolutionised the way businesses communicate and interact with their employees. In this blog post, we’ll discover what employee

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Exploring ChatGPT: Stats and Insights You Can’t-Miss

Posted on Thursday 16 March 2023.

The day has come – we’ve decided to jump into the ChatGPT bandwagon! After all, ChatGPT is one of the most “advanced” AI tools ever made available to us – so far. Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has inspired many discussions and broken unexpected records. It has set new standards, which will be

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How to Empower Customer Service with GigCX

Posted on Thursday 9 March 2023.

Customer experience and satisfaction are critical to the success of any business. With up to 12 positive experiences needed to make up for a single negative one, it’s clear that exceptional customer service is a must. However, the way we approach customer service has evolved. In today’s fast-paced world, organisations must adapt to emerging trends

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Who Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence?

Posted on Tuesday 21 February 2023.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic of discussion lately, and for a good reason. AI has dramatically impacted our lives, from smart assistants to self-driving cars. But who can actually benefit from the use of AI? You might be surprised to learn that anyone, from the average person to large

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How To Effectively Address Digital Friction in the Modern Workplace

Posted on Wednesday 15 February 2023.

In today’s modern workplace, things are often moving at a fast pace. Emails are flying back and forth, meetings are happening left and right, and deadlines are always looming. Many different tools and platforms are being used daily, and they are often making our lives easier. But that’s not always the case, right? Employees often

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