Why Employees Leave: Insightful Analyses for the Forward-Thinking Employer

Posted on Wednesday 4 October 2023.

Over 50 million employees quit their jobs in 2022.  According to HReview the employee turnover rate is expected to rise to 41% this year.

The Crucial Role of Mean Time to Value (MTTV) for Service Desks

Posted on Wednesday 20 September 2023.

In the fast-paced world of IT service management, the clock is always ticking. Customers expect immediate solutions, while service desk managers and analysts carefully track each second of their work. And every delayed minute affects the profits and customer satisfaction. Delivering value to customers is essential, and doing it promptly is just as crucial! This

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The Future Is Here, How on Earth Do We Deal with It

Posted on Wednesday 13 September 2023.

Since OpenAI released ChatGPT to an unsuspecting world in November 2022, the internet has been in super-hype mode again. Within a week, ChatGPT had gained 1 million users, and since then, we’ve seen it develop through several releases. OpenAI has also made its latest release, GPT-4, available as an API for developers to build applications

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AI-Powered Service Desk: We Tested Best AI Prompt Frameworks

Posted on Wednesday 23 August 2023.

When it comes to ChatGPT prompts, finding the right framework is key! It can totally transform your AI-generated responses, making them more accurate and on point. So, whether you’re a Service Desk Manager, a developer, a Marketer, a content creator, or just curious about the fascinating world of AI, exploring these commonly used ChatGPT prompt

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5 Dilemas Éticos de la Inteligencia Artificial

Posted on Tuesday 15 August 2023.

La humanidad está nuevamente creando una tecnología poderosa que puede hacer cosas asombrosas. En los últimos meses, hemos visto la creciente importancia de la IA en diferentes campos. La IA puede automatizar tareas como recopilar datos, responder correos electrónicos, probar software, manejar facturas, ayudar a los clientes e incluso crear contenido. No hay duda sobre

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Mission Possible: Achieving a Secure Service Desk

Posted on Tuesday 8 August 2023.

Cybersecurity attacks are on the rise! With the rising adoption of new technology in all areas of business, the risks linked to IT service operations have grown considerably.

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