CX: Delivering Happiness – The Series, Part 3

Posted on Tuesday 12 January 2021.

CX: Delivering Happiness – The Series, Part 4

Posted on Tuesday 12 January 2021.

CX: Delivering Happiness The ‘CX: Delivering Happiness’ Series is all about the shift in the ITSM industry which is beginning to steer the focus away from traditional metrics and towards recognising the significance of the customer experience.  It will focus on everything from the ‘why’ and ‘how’ to measure CX, what affect it will have

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Ease the Pain of Hiring During Covid19

Posted on Sunday 1 November 2020.

By Karyn Wilkins (FIRP) Director, Avocet Strategic Resourcing,  SDI Associate. With the world thrown into a time of uncertainty, the only thing we can be sure of is that moving- forward things will change. This is especially true when recruiting, as the world of work is being reshaped by home working and social distancing, so

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Universities improving their student experience…

Posted on Wednesday 21 October 2020.

Universities (both staff and students) are not having an easy time at the moment. Successfully navigating everybody through a global pandemic isn’t something anyone has ample experience in (yes, it’s… ‘unprecedented!’) One reliable and constant service that Universities are able to offer and even improve upon during this time is their IT support service experience.

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10 October is World Mental Health Day…

Posted on Wednesday 7 October 2020.

World Mental Health Day 2020 is the most important one yet. Mental health problems can affect anyone, any day of the year, but 10 October is a great day to show your support for better mental health and start looking after your own wellbeing. The months of lockdown and loss have had a huge impact

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The Value of Virtual – Training with SDI

Posted on Tuesday 6 October 2020.

Whether you believe we are standing on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution, or are very much already amongst it, most will agree that technology is enabling us to fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another.  You may also believe that this means the ITSM industry has a duty

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ITSM and Covid 19 – What We’ve Seen (Part 1)

Posted on Wednesday 16 September 2020.

ITSM and Covid 19 – What We’ve Seen (Part 1) by Scarlett Bayes, Senior Research Analyst, Service Desk Institute In a very short space of time, the global pandemic has completely changed the landscape of our lives in every aspect. Socially, we now keep safe distances from each other, and we can’t enjoy a lot of our pastimes as freely.

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