How to Level Up Customer Experience with Data-Driven Hyper-Personalisation

Posted on Tuesday 16 August 2022.

The shift to more personalised, targeted customer experiences is largely due to technological advances, with machine learning, artificial intelligence and biometric identification increasingly integrating to provide more data-based customer information.   In this article, we’ll cover why hyper-personalisation is one of the key drivers of business growth and how to get started with it. Hyper-Personalisation

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The Future of Hybrid Workplace – Endpoint Threats and How to Prevent Them

Posted on Tuesday 26 July 2022.

Over the last two years, remote working has become very popular for companies and employees. And it’s here to stay! Whether you allow your team to work remotely, in the office, or something in-between, you should be aware of some hidden security risks that can interrupt normal business operations.   This article will discuss endpoint threats and

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Questions to Ask Before (and After) Implementing an IT Self-Service Portal

Posted on Wednesday 13 July 2022.

If we look at the relationship between customer support teams and their end-users, the end-user experience relies on how a support team works, right? When today’s end-users try to solve an issue, they usually want two things… First, they want their questions answered. Secondly, they don’t want to wait on the convenience of the support

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Aneurin Bevan ICT Service Desk Achieve 3 Star Certification

Posted on Friday 8 July 2022.

About Aneurin Bevan ICT Service Aneurin Bevan University Health Board is a large Health Board covering the former county of Gwent in South Wales. The Service Desk is the single point of contact for all IT related issues and is a small team of dedicated Engineers and Analysts that strive to resolve most issues at first

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Robotic Process Automation and AI: Taking the Work You Hate -Off Your Plate

Posted on Friday 24 June 2022.

You’ve probably heard or read those stories about robots eliminating our jobs and taking control over our lives! You might even watch some movies about this! (Terminator, right?) Well, some people still feel uncomfortable about artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation (RPA). However, these technologies are here to stay! They are already transforming the

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Modern Leadership Styles — What Does It Mean to Be a Truly “Agile” Leader?

Posted on Wednesday 22 June 2022.

We live in a hyper-changing world! Just think about it, we went from the work in the office, formal meetings and the traditional 9-5 working hours to more flexible and agile working, hybrid working, and empowered teams. It almost feels like we have fast-forwarded the world of work for a few years. With so many

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