The (Not Artificially) Intelligent Future of Employee Service

Posted on Tuesday 1 August 2023.

Your colleague will soon be a bot. And that bot will help you become the best version of yourself. Here’s how… Better service experiences are on the way. They’re what employees deserve. There’s nothing artificial about them, even though they’ll make automated decisions on your behalf. Work will never be the same! Gone are the

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How to Optimise Hybrid Work Environment for Peak Performance

Posted on Tuesday 18 July 2023.

The modern workforce bears little resemblance to its predecessors. There has been a dramatic cultural shift in how employees and employers view day-to-day work in the past few years. Business leaders have changed their perspectives on the “ideal workplace”. This is evident in the widespread adoption of remote work and the increased priority given to

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We’re Delighted To Announce Our SDI Awards 2023 Finalists!

Posted on Monday 17 July 2023.

We have been thoroughly impressed by the dedication and unwavering commitment demonstrated by all of the companies on our shortlist. Each of these organisations has put in great efforts and delivered compelling presentations, making it a challenging task for the judges to select only four finalists per category. We extend our  congratulations to every shortlisted

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Moldea el Futuro de la Vida Laboral en ITSM: ¡Participa hoy en nuestra encuesta!

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2023.

El mundo del ITSM está en constante evolución. Gracias a los rápidos avances tecnológicos, como las plataformas inteligentes, el aprendizaje automático, la IA generativa y la ciencia de datos, nos embarcamos en un emocionante viaje hacia el futuro. Muchas industrias están siendo ya moldeadas por las tendencias tecnológicas emergentes, lo que significa que las empresas

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We’re Delighted To Announce Our SDI Awards 2023 Shortlist

Posted on Tuesday 11 July 2023.

We are delighted to share that the Service Desk Awards for 2023 have received an great number of entries. The judges were deeply impressed by most of the entries received, which has made their task all the more challenging but exciting. We are thrilled to announce the shortlist for 2023, who will be presenting to

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Secrets of a Great Leader – KPIs Can Fuel Employee Well-being

Posted on Thursday 6 July 2023.

Discover why KPIs are not only a measure but a fuel for employee well-being. Learn from real-world experiences and avoid common KPI mistakes.

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