The Workplace Glossary: Master the Latest Employee Experience Terms

Posted on Tuesday 30 May 2023.

From WFH to WFA, gig workforce to polywork, quiet quitting to quiet hiring – these are some of many new emerging or popular terminologies we often hear and use daily. But do you know what these new fancy terms or acronyms mean?

Spark 23 Speaker Spotlight: Dr. Ariana Bucio

Posted on Friday 26 May 2023.

SDI’s Annual Conference has rapidly become the annual “must-attend” event for IT and service desk professionals. While many in the industry are under constant pressure to innovate in a highly competitive environment, the SDI Conference provides a welcome mix of brain-nourishing insights and inspiration to absorb over two enjoyable days. The SDI Conference, held at

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Volunteers Week 1st – 7th June

Posted on Wednesday 24 May 2023.

Volunteers’ week is almost here! Taking place every June, it’s a chance to celebrate the amazing work of the many charities and individuals across the UK who dedicate their time to making a huge difference in the lives of the people and communities they support.  Here at SDI, we support a number of charities and

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Unveiling the Future of Worklife in ITSM: Report Insights

Posted on Tuesday 23 May 2023.

Over the past few years, the workplace has experienced significant changes due to technological advancements and a greater emphasis on the human element. And as the future of worklife in ITSM continues to evolve, it brings new opportunities and challenges.

SDI Top Recommendations: The Best Remote Support Tools in 2023

Posted on Wednesday 26 April 2023.

Having an issue explained to you is one thing, but seeing it in action is entirely different. Those of you who have tried to provide technical support over the phone know all too well how difficult it can be.   That’s where remote support tools come in! In today’s blog, we’ll talk about remote support

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KPIs or OKRs or The Biggest Mistake A Leader Can Make

Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023.

This is another part of my Confession of a CIO series. This is the part where we talk about well-known KPIs. And this is where I went wrong for a good portion of my career as either a leader up to CIO or as a Principle Consultant. A friend and mentor, Dr. Cherry Vu, shared

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